The first Carhartt outdoor gear was released in the 1930s under the name Super Dux™, and this men’s active jac continues that legacy by pairing our classic styling with modern technical outdoor features. It blocks wind, shrugs off light rain, and has a soft sherpa lining for warmth. The nylon is lighter and stronger than traditional duck fabric, giving it the durability and comfort for hiking, fishing, or working outdoors.
Warmth Rating Earned: Level 2 – Warmer
Engineered For Midrange Warmth in Moderately Cold Conditions. See Technology section below for more details.
- 97% Nylon/3% Elastane with Rain Defender® durable water-repellent finish
- Wind Fighter® technology tames the wind
- Sherpa-lined for extra warmth
- Two lower front pocket
- Rib-knit storm cuff
- Center-front zipper with kissing welt
- Drop-tail, adjustable hem
- Built to move with Rugged Flex® stretch technology
- Adjustable hood with hidden drawcord for safety
- Interior hook-and-loop pocket on wearer’s left side
- Twice stitched main seams
- Model in Black height: 6’2″; Chest size: 40.5″; Wearing size: Medium
- Back Length: Regular Large: 28 1/4″; Tall Large: 30 1/4″
- Model No. OJ5001-M
- Country of Origin: Imported
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